Is Newborn Jaundice Severe?

The severity of newborn jaundice depends on the level of bilirubin, and when the bilirubin level exceeds 204 umol/L, it is considered moderate jaundice, and it is recommended to seek treatment and observation in the local hospital’s internal medicine department.
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Is Newborn Jaundice Severe?

The baby’s skin turned yellow three days after birth, and the whites of the eyes are also yellow! Now, it’s been one month and four days, and the yellowing hasn’t completely disappeared even after taking the medication for jaundice. However, the baby seems fine in other aspects, breastfeeding well, and in good spirits!
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Is Severe Jaundice in Newborns’ Eyes a Concern?

Jaundice refers to a condition in the neonatal period where abnormal bilirubin metabolism leads to elevated bilirubin levels in the blood, resulting in a yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera as characteristic symptoms. Jaundice can be classified into physiological and pathological types.
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Is Sunbathing Inside Useful for Newborn Jaundice?

Newborn jaundice can be treated with a blue light box for 12-24 hours, exposing the entire body’s skin. It is not possible to sunbathe indoors. Even if it is effective, newborns cannot be undressed in the outdoors during this season to prevent catching a cold. Oral medication can also be administered to the baby if necessary, which has a certain therapeutic effect. Adequate hydration and increased urination can also help alleviate jaundice.
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Is the Jaundice in Newborns Severe?

The child is 31 days old and still has some jaundice that has not subsided, with a slightly yellowish whites of the eyes! Liver function tests show a total bilirubin level of 172.6, direct bilirubin of 31.6, and indirect bilirubin of 141.0. I would like to ask if this is severe? Do I need to hospitalize the baby?
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