Is Newborn Jaundice Normal?

Newborn jaundice usually appears 3-5 days after birth and is generally a normal physiological phenomenon. However, if it appears prematurely, is severe, progresses rapidly, lasts for a long time, or recurs, it may be pathological jaundice. It is important to find the cause and treat it early.
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Is Newborn Jaundice Physiological or Pathological?

The baby is 5 days old, with a facial jaundice index of 25 and a body jaundice index of 15. By noon, the facial jaundice index is 27 and the body jaundice index is 19. The baby doesn’t cry much at birth, sleeps a lot, and can eat, defecate, and urinate normally. There are no convulsions. When taking a nap, the baby seems startled and its arms and hands move. Is the newborn’s high jaundice physiological or pathological? How should it be treated?
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