Is a Newborn Jaundice Level of 15.2 Severe?

My newborn’s bilirubin level is 15.2, and I’m wondering if it’s severe. I’m not very knowledgeable about this, as I’m older and haven’t encountered this situation with my own children. Please ask the doctor if a newborn jaundice level of 15.2 is severe?
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Is a Newborn Jaundice Level of 17 Points a Concern?

Newborn jaundice refers to the condition where, during the neonatal period, an abnormal metabolism of bilirubin leads to elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood, resulting in yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera. The jaundice index mentioned here is 17mg/dl, and pathological jaundice should be considered.
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Is a Newborn Jaundice Level of 17 Points Serious?

Most newborns experience jaundice, and a level of 17 points is generally normal. For physiological jaundice, increased feeding, more bowel movements, and appropriate sunlight exposure can help it naturally fade. For pathological jaundice, blue light therapy may be required.
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