How to Treat Neonatal Jaundice Without Medication?

Physiological jaundice in the neonatal period usually resolves completely within 15 days. If a baby shows symptoms of jaundice, it is abnormal and requires the exclusion of breastfeeding jaundice. Liver function tests should be conducted, and if liver damage is suspected, intravenous therapy may be necessary. Since the baby is affected by neonatal diseases, parents must take their child to the doctor promptly for treatment and avoid using medication blindly to alleviate symptoms. For parents, it is crucial to keep a close eye on their child’s condition and do everything possible to help them receive timely treatment for their illness.
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How to Treat Neonatal Jaundice?

The treatment for neonatal jaundice involves taking a traditional Chinese medicine called Yin Zi Huang oral liquid and observing the baby’s stool. If the stool is green or black, it indicates an effective jaundice removal. If the jaundice level exceeds 16, hospitalization and blue light therapy may be required.
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