Baby at Nine Months Old Has a Slightly Yellow Face, Lacks Energy, and Sleeps Poorly – Possible Causes?

At nine months old, the baby’s face is slightly yellow, and they should have already lost the jaundice. This may be due to liver function or bilirubin metabolism abnormalities. It is recommended to take the baby to the hospital for a check-up, including liver function and bilirubin tests, to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment advice.
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Baby Full Month Old with Jaundice, Different Results from Two Hospitals, What to Do?

The baby’s jaundice hasn’t subsided at one month old, and the results from two hospitals are different. One suggests hospitalization, while the other believes it’s breast milk jaundice. With an average jaundice level of 12, and after stopping breastfeeding, exposing to sunlight, and taking medication, the jaundice decreased by 2. How can the cause be determined and the jaundice effectively reduced?
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