Newborn jaundice with non-bilirubin values high, a female baby born after nine days is in a severe condition. Total bilirubin 498, direct bilirubin 18.2, creatine kinase 30, hemoglobin 122, red blood cells 3.41, food intake 558 ml.
How to handle the issue of newborn jaundice not subsiding after delivery?
Discuss the treatment methods for persistent newborn jaundice, including bilirubin measurement and corresponding treatment recommendations.
When a newborn’s jaundice persists and does not subside, what should parents do to seek professional medical advice and treatment methods.
A one-month-old baby has an elevated bilirubin level. After medication and blood tests, the level remains high. Urges timely medical attention and adherence to medical instructions.
Discuss the strategies for dealing with the recurrence and fluctuations of newborn jaundice, especially when the mother has hypertension and is taking antihypertensive medications.
Objective answers and suggestions on newborn jaundice treatment methods
Treatment recommendations and precautions for newborn jaundice
When a newborn’s jaundice index reaches a certain level, it is recommended to undergo blue light therapy to reduce the level of bilirubin in the blood, while also seeking the cause of pathological jaundice.
Discuss whether newborns with jaundice are suitable for blue light therapy and the dietary and nursing points during treatment.