Causes of Long-Term Fever in Diabetic Patients

A diabetic patient has been experiencing recurrent fever for over a month, occurring regularly at 4 or 5 PM and 3 or 4 AM, lasting about 30 minutes each time, accompanied by sinus-related symptoms, with all other test results normal. Inquiry about the cause of the prolonged fever.
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Child Has Throat Pain and Ulcers in Lips, Could It Be Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease?

The child experiences throat pain and ulcers inside the lips, with high fever and vomiting. After taking Seabuckthorn Dry Milk Powder and probiotics, the vomiting and fever improved, but the throat pain and lip ulcers persist. Red rashes appeared on the thighs, which subsided after applying medication. Could this be Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease?
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