Infantile spasms are actually a special type of epilepsy during infancy, with complex and diverse causes, such as birth injuries, neonatal respiratory problems, and viral encephalitis. This condition often involves generalized convulsions and can negatively impact a child’s mental and motor development. However, timely medical intervention can significantly reduce the severity of brain damage. Studies show that over 90% of children may experience mental and motor impairments or regression after onset. Therefore, early identification and treatment are crucial for improving outcomes. Although Western medicine treatment may come with some side effects, long-term use of anti-epileptic drugs can largely alleviate these symptoms.
Infantile spasms are actually a special type of epilepsy in infancy, most commonly affecting babies aged 3 to 7 months. The causes may include birth injuries, newborn respiratory difficulties, viral encephalitis, intrauterine infection, congenital toxoplasmosis, congenital brain malformations, and many metabolic diseases. Infants experience severe pain, along with generalized convulsions, which can be more serious because they may also lead to mental disabilities in children. Immediate treatment is necessary. Starting early treatment can reduce the severity of brain damage. Less than 90% of children will develop mental and motor impairments or degenerative changes after the onset of the disease. If anti-epileptic treatment generally requires 2-4 years of long-term medication, the side effects of Western medicine may alleviate the interference with the intellectual and developmental growth of children.
Infantile spasms are a special type of epilepsy that may affect intellectual and motor development, and early treatment can reduce brain damage.
Lingzhi rooibos powder is effective for treating infantile spasms, but it does not have therapeutic effects on liver function when used long-term.
Discussing the role of sleep quality in the treatment and prevention of infantile spasms
An Exploration of the Impact of Infantile Spasms on Intelligence
Objective analysis and recommendations on the treatment methods and effectiveness for infantile spasms.
The life expectancy of children with infantile spasms depends on the severity of their symptoms and the effectiveness of treatment.
This article explores the possible causes of a baby’s involuntary nodding during sleep and how calcium supplementation can help alleviate the symptoms.
Overview of medication treatment methods for infantile spasms