An infant with a fever of 39° and diarrhea, showing no improvement after treatment at a rural health center, is recommended to receive rehydration and anti-inflammatory therapy, along with medication.
Explore the possible causes and treatment methods of abnormal baby stool.
Understand the possible causes and coping strategies for a two-month-old baby’s stool appearing granular with some foam-like water content.
If a baby’s sleep is restless, crying at the slightest movement, and they have trouble sleeping at night, this could be due to various reasons, including stomach discomfort and a lack of security.
Understanding how to select the appropriate sunbathing areas for newborns to promote bilirubin excretion.
Using cosmetics during breastfeeding may have adverse effects on infants, including skin allergies and liver and kidney function damage.
Inquire about the reasons and solutions for a four-month-old baby’s uneven hair growth.
Discussing the effectiveness of probiotics in treating infant constipation and their role in regulating the intestinal flora.
Vitamin A&D Capsules vs. Fish Liver Oil: Composition and Usage Precautions
How to Quickly Address Babies’ Nighttime Crying and Fever Issues