A four-month-old baby weighing six kilograms has been experiencing persistent diarrhea for a week, accompanied by symptoms of indigestion. The baby has diarrhea about four times a day, and the stool is green. What should the parents do?
Why does a 6-month-old baby vomit after eating everything? What are the possible causes, and how can it be relieved and prevented?
If a four-month-old baby has excessive eye discharge in the morning, it might be due to inwardly growing eyelashes or internal heat. How should one handle this situation?
A nine-month-old baby experienced diarrhea after drinking an iced beverage, seeking medical advice.
When a seven-month-old baby experiences seizures during a fever, how should one handle the situation?
A six-month-old baby experiencing green, loose, frothy stools may be due to cold or a cold. If the baby’s diet, mood, sleep, and weight are normal, there is usually no need for special treatment. However, if the baby frequently has green stools or is accompanied by symptoms like vomiting, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly.
A one-and-a-half-year-old child is vomiting and has no appetite. How can they recover their health?
Describes the symptoms of a 5-month-old baby making a sound in the leg and inquires about related medical examinations and treatment methods.
Summary of the article content
A four-month-old baby experiencing diarrhea with foamy, water-like stools may be a symptom of indigestion.