Baby Has a Fever of 38.8°C, Vomiting and Coughing What to Do?

The baby has a fever of 38.8°C, accompanied by vomiting, coughing, and slight diarrhea, which may be caused by a respiratory infection. It is recommended to take the baby to the hospital for routine blood tests, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and stool tests to determine the cause. Treatment can include pediatric cooling and lung-clearing oral liquid to help reduce the fever. In severe cases, hospitalization may be required. This is a suggestion for ‘What should I do if my five-month-old baby has a high fever and no medicine?’ Hope it helps, and wish your baby a speedy recovery.
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Baby’s Black Toe Tip: Handling Suggestions

A baby’s black toe tip may be caused by exposure to cold wind. After hospital warming treatment, it has somewhat subsided, but the swelling has not completely resolved. After peeling, tender skin is exposed, with redness, possibly due to regional edema caused by tight wrapping. It is recommended to consult a doctor again and provide photos for reference. It is still unclear whether it is better to air it out or keep it warm, as the temperature of the baby’s feet at home is low, and it is uncertain whether special warming or sunbathing is needed.
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