How to Treat High Muscle Tone in Children with Cerebral Palsy?

The treatment for pediatric cerebral palsy is a long-term endeavor with no quick fixes. Hospitalization for the affected baby is only temporary, with long-term treatment and training to be carried out at home. Cerebral palsy is progressive brain cell damage caused by various reasons during pregnancy or within a month after birth, leading to a series of symptoms. For upper limb functional training, we can use verbal guidance and manual assistance to conduct the training. Before training, it is necessary to check the residual functional status of the child’s hand, evaluate the main obstacles for guidance training, and then guide the child to practice palming and finger opposition, finally practicing grip. It is recommended for children with cerebral palsy to consume more vegetables and fruits and less fatty meat, as vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and fiber, which can help maintain smooth bowel movements.
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What to Do If a Baby Has a Slight Intrauterine Oxygen Deprivation at Birth?

The baby had a slight intrauterine oxygen deprivation at birth. Three days after birth, an MRI showed an abnormality on the left side of the brain. One month later, the follow-up examination showed no issues and everything was normal. Now at 80 days old, the doctor said the baby has slightly high muscle tone, but can lift their head for a short period of time each day, causing concern. According to the description, this situation should not be a big problem and can gradually recover. Appropriate massage for the baby can help with recovery, and calcium supplements can be given. Also, pay attention to the baby’s mental state. The baby should recover by about four to five months old. Check again after one month. Wishing your baby good health.
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