Understand the meaning of alpha-fetoprotein levels and their relationship with cancer.
How to treat pediatric hepatitis C?
How should hepatitis be treated in children?
The early symptoms of hepatitis in children include a lack of energy, a lack of interest in playing, yellowish urine color, grayish-white stools, overall weakness, fever, and pain in the liver area.
What symptoms might pediatric hepatitis present?
The symptoms of pediatric hepatitis may include a decrease in energy, loss of appetite, darker urine color, diarrhea, rashes, and fever.
Elevated bilirubin levels may be caused by liver diseases or extrinsic diseases, including hemolytic jaundice, blood type incompatibility reactions during blood transfusion, and gallstones.
The treatment of viral hepatitis generally focuses on antiviral therapy, which can include the use of glycyrrhizin disodium enteric-coated tablets to alleviate symptoms. Depending on the specific cause, additional antiviral medications may be prescribed. Patients with hepatitis should avoid taking any medications that could potentially harm the liver.
The Transmission Risk of Hepatitis B Virus Carriers and Their Prevention Measures