Can Hemangiomas Be Prevented?

Hemangiomas are caused by vascular malformations and currently, there are no effective preventive methods. Whether treatment is needed depends on the location, extent, and size of the lesion. Please consult a doctor for more detailed advice.
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Can Medication Be Taken to Reduce Fever After Interventional Surgery for Hemangioma?

If a patient with hemangioma experiences fever after interventional surgery, it is advisable to avoid self-administering antipyretics to prevent masking the condition. It is recommended to seek medical attention promptly at a regular public hospital’s oncology department to determine the specific cause of the fever and receive appropriate treatment under the doctor’s guidance. This approach is not only safe but also effective in treating the underlying cause.
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Causes of Hemangioma

The exact cause of hemangioma formation is not yet clear. It is believed to be related to vascular malformations, and treatment should be determined based on individual circumstances.
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