A child is experiencing long-term stomach pain and is worried about gastric ulcers. Besides a gastroscopy, are there any non-invasive examination methods available for children?
Understand the possible causes of heartburn and how to alleviate symptoms through medication and lifestyle changes.
Ulcerative gastritis is a condition caused by damage to the gastric mucosa, primarily due to infection by Helicobacter pylori.
Patients with ulcerative gastritis inquire about the time for improvement and treatment recommendations.
After a week of Helicobacter pylori treatment, the patient’s symptoms have not improved.
Understanding the Treatment and Dietary Management of Chronic Gastritis
How should patients with ulcerative gastritis be treated for Helicobacter pylori infection?
A parent asks whether a 20-month-old baby who has just eaten with grandpa’s chopsticks can be infected with Helicobacter pylori.
Discuss the impact of the C13 test on breast milk quality, and related information about Helicobacter pylori and milk storage.