6-Month-Old Baby Has a Fever of 39 Degrees, Medication Not Effective, What to Do?

When a 6-month-old baby has a fever of 39 degrees and medication fails to reduce the fever, it’s advisable to first try physical cooling (cooling) methods such as alcohol wiping, while simultaneously identifying the cause of the fever. Fever can be due to infection, but it may also be caused by connective tissue disease or malignant tumors among other reasons. It’s not recommended to rush into medication before determining the cause.
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At What Temperature Should Children Use Fever-Reducing Patches?

When a child’s body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius, fever-reducing patches can be used to help lower the temperature. However, fever-reducing patches only provide mild fever reduction. If the temperature continues to rise or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical assistance immediately. Moreover, there are many causes of fever, the most common being infection, followed by connective tissue diseases, malignant tumors, and others. It is not recommended to self-medicate with fever-reducing drugs without determining the cause.
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