Baby’s Height and Weight Standards

For babies aged 1 to 6 months, weight (kg) = birth weight (or 3 kg) × age × 0.6 (kg); for babies aged 7 to 12 months, weight (kg) = birth weight (or 3 kg) × age × 0.5 (kg); for children aged 2 to 10 years, weight (kg) = age × 2 + 7 (or 8). Full-term infants have an average height of 50 centimeters, and they grow approximately 25 centimeters in the first year, so they are about 75 centimeters at one year old; thereafter, they grow about 5 centimeters per year on average, so the height of children aged 2 to 12 years after that (centimeters) = age × 5 + 75 (centimeters). Any height that is more than or less than 10% of the standard is considered abnormal.
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