My baby is now five months old and can lift her head and crawl, but she tends to sleep in one direction, making her head shape look unappealing. I would like to inquire if my 5-month-old baby’s head shape has settled.
How to deal with an irregular baby’s head shape?
Choosing the right sleeping position is key to correcting a newborn’s head shape.
How should a 3.5-month-old baby with a soft head be treated?
Is it a concern if a baby can be held upright at one month and their head seems a bit off-center?
Does an irregular newborn head shape and bulging skull indicate hydrocephalus?
A 3-month-old baby’s head tilts to the right, possibly due to sleeping position. It’s recommended to switch sides frequently while sleeping, use a shaping pillow, or change the sleeping environment to correct the head shape.
My baby is 15 days old and I’ve noticed an uneven head shape, with a prominent bump on the occiput and angular edges above the ears. How can I improve this condition?