The Way and Effectiveness of Laser Photocoagulation for Glaucoma Treatment

For patients with refractory glaucoma who cannot effectively control intraocular pressure with antihypertensive medication alone, laser photocoagulation of the ciliary body is a feasible treatment option. This method destroys the ciliary body to increase aqueous humor production, thereby controlling intraocular pressure and alleviating symptoms such as eye pain caused by glaucoma. Patients should go to a local authorized three-level hospital for detailed examinations and receive appropriate treatment based on the confirmed diagnosis of the cause, in order to achieve better treatment outcomes and more reasonable costs.
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Treatment and Control Methods for Congenital Glaucoma

Congenital glaucoma is an eye condition that accompanies individuals from birth, often characterized by symptoms such as increased intraocular pressure, blurred vision, and eye pain. Treatment typically involves early surgery and medication to control intraocular pressure to slow the progression of the disease.
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