How to Treat Optic Nerve Atrophy Caused by Chronic Glaucoma?

Glaucoma can lead to optic nerve atrophy, accompanied by high intraocular pressure. It is essential to undergo an eye examination first, confirm the diagnosis, and receive appropriate treatment. Optic nerve atrophy has a significant impact on children, so parents should immediately take their child to a regular hospital for treatment and pay attention to dietary issues. It is recommended to maintain a proper diet, avoid spicy and irritating foods, in order to receive symptomatic treatment and assist in the child’s recovery.
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How to Treat Pediatric Glaucoma?

Pediatric glaucoma primarily includes acquired glaucoma and developmental glaucoma associated with congenital anomalies. Treatment methods include surgical procedures such as trabeculectomy, iridectomy, trabeculectomy, aqueous shunt devices, and ciliary body ablation. For early-stage glaucoma with clear corneas, trabeculectomy is commonly performed; if the cornea is not clear, trabeculectomy may be chosen.
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How to Treat Secondary Glaucoma in Children?

Secondary glaucoma refers to glaucoma caused by other diseases or conditions. Since your child has no other eye diseases previously, the situation you mentioned may not necessarily indicate that they have this condition. For a four-year-old child experiencing eye discomfort, it is recommended to immediately visit an ophthalmology department for refraction tests, slit lamp examinations, and intraocular pressure measurements to determine the cause and take appropriate treatment measures.
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