How to Treat Glaucoma When Vision is Impaired by Test Results

Based on your description, you may have glaucoma with high intraocular pressure, which requires surgical treatment. The treatment principle is to reduce or control the intraocular pressure to promote the normal outflow of aqueous humor. For pediatric patients, in addition to symptomatic treatment, maintaining a good mood is also necessary, as a cheerful mood is very helpful for the recovery of the disease.
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How to Treat Glaucoma?

A 23-year-old female experiences frequent eye pain, dryness, itching, and blurred vision. She’s worried after a doctor diagnosed her with an ophthalmic condition. Symptoms may indicate optic nerve atrophy, which can be treated with medications to enhance retinal blood vessels and nourish the optic nerve. If intraocular pressure is high, antihypertensive eye drops should be used. Actively seek the cause of the disease and treat accordingly. Different causes lead to different symptoms, so patients should promptly visit a regular, top-tier hospital for systematic and standardized examinations to receive targeted treatment and recover quickly.
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