How Great Is the Possibility of Glaucoma Being Passed Down to the Next Generation?

Recently, a pregnant woman who has been diagnosed with glaucoma asked her doctor whether glaucoma can be passed down to her child across generations. The doctor replied that there is a possibility of intergenerational inheritance of glaucoma, but not everyone will develop the disease again. It is recommended that pregnant women regularly check their intraocular pressure and fundus conditions, and early detection and treatment are crucial.
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How is glaucoma managed in the left eye?

Glaucoma can cause symptoms such as eye pain, nausea, dryness, and severe loss of vision, and can be diagnosed by an intraocular pressure test. It is recommended to use pupil-shrinking eye drops and mannitol infusion to lower the pressure at the initial stage, and trabeculectomy can be used if the treatment is not effective. If treatment fails, trabeculectomy may be indicated. Inadequate treatment may affect daily activities and may even lead to blindness. The cause of the disease is serious and requires active compliance with medical advice, and there is no specific treatment to alleviate it.
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How Long Can Angle-Closed Glaucoma Be Managed Without Losing Vision?

Generally speaking, patients with angle-closed glaucoma can maintain their vision for about twenty years with proper treatment. However, this depends on the severity of the condition and individual health. To avoid adverse consequences, it is recommended to adhere to the doctor’s treatment plan, control the disease, and use medication to lower intraocular pressure. Under medical guidance, medication should be used correctly. If conservative treatment is ineffective, surgery may be considered, and the specific treatment method should be determined based on individual circumstances.
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