Discussing the care methods for individuals with intellectual disability and the impact of genetic factors on intellectual disability.
Analysis of Rickets’ Causes and Genetic Patterns
Understand the possible causes of chromosomal abnormalities and how to prevent them through regular checks and dietary precautions.
Understanding the causes of cerebral palsy and the possibility of generational inheritance
The causes of chromosomal abnormalities and how they affect sperm or egg health
Pediatric epilepsy is a condition caused by abnormal brain discharges, which may be related to genetic factors or acquired trauma, infection, and other postnatal factors.
Seeking advice on checking and diagnosing XYY chromosome.
Common questions and detailed answers about chromosomal abnormalities and disease
Congenital heart disease may be associated with chromosomal abnormalities, which are diseases caused by genetic anomalies. Surgery can improve heart conditions, but genes cannot be changed, which may affect intelligence.
Chromosomes are the carriers of genetic material, and their abnormalities can lead to various diseases. This article explains the nature of chromosomes, the types of chromosomal disorders, and the purpose and methods of their testing.