Cost and Symptoms of Newborn Gastroscopy

The cost of a newborn gastroscopy is approximately 300 to 400 yuan. The child should not eat or drink after 8 PM the night before the procedure and should avoid smoking. If the child is affected by acute gastritis, medical attention should be sought immediately, and self-medication should be avoided. Parents should provide care and attention to help their children receive timely treatment.
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Gastritis and Duodenitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Gastritis and duodenitis can cause symptoms like belching and hiccups, common treatments include acid-suppressing, prokinetic, and Helicobacter pylori antibiotics. Additionally, maintaining dietary discipline and avoiding cold, hard-to-digest foods are crucial. The patient’s symptoms include no bad taste, no pain or bloating, no nausea or vomiting, and normal bowel movements. No abnormalities were found during cardiovascular and pulmonary auscultation. The abdomen was soft, and the liver and spleen were not palpable. There was no tenderness in the upper abdomen. At the worst of the symptoms, belching occurred as frequently as every two seconds, continuously. Moreover, the throat felt painful and swollen, very dry, possibly related to prolonged belching. The patient had taken domperidone and digestive tablets on their own, but the effect was not significant, and traditional Chinese medicine was also ineffective. The patient is very distressed. A gastroscopy was performed on May 1st, showing multiple small protuberances in the duodenal bulb, about dozens in number, with diameters of approximately 0.2 to 0.3 centimeters, with many being congested at the top. A tissue sample was taken for biopsy, which was soft in texture.
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