Causes and Treatment Methods of Baby’s Spitting Up Phenomenon

Multiple episodes of spitting up before feeding, which is thinner than milk but thicker than water, may indicate gastroesophageal reflux disease or functional gastrointestinal disease, possibly related to catching a cold or disordered gastric motility. In cases of severe vomiting, it is advisable to avoid eating and consider intravenous fluid supplementation for nutrient replenishment. Massage and medication such as Gastric Comfort or Metoclopramide can be tried. Additionally, the possibility of pyloric stenosis should be ruled out, and a gastroscopy may be necessary if required. The infant should lie on their back, and the massager should use the palm root of their right hand to press firmly against the abdominal muscles, pushing from the upper right abdomen to the upper left abdomen to the lower right abdomen in a soft and gentle manner. This direction should be repeated, with the technique not being too forceful, lasting about ten minutes each time, and performed 2-3 times a day. Wishing the baby good health.
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