How to Improve Diarrhea in Children

How to improve diarrhea in children? You can try stopping the consumption of formula designed for diarrhea and switch to probiotic oral liquids. Increase water intake, eat more vegetables and fruits, and be mindful of staying warm. Engage in more outdoor activities to enhance gastrointestinal movement. For severe constipation, you can use a lubricating enema to promote metabolism.
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How to Prevent Baby Reflux

Preventing baby reflux is a concern for many new parents. According to professional medical advice, infant reflux may be caused by an underdeveloped stomach, which is in a horizontal position, leading to vomiting. Additionally, if a baby eats too fast or too eagerly, they may swallow too much air, which is also a cause of reflux. Changes in weather or improper feeding methods may also trigger vomiting. However, as long as the baby is in good spirits and gaining weight, there is usually no major issue. You can give your baby some digestive medicine, hold the baby upright after feeding, and gently pat on the back to help expel swallowed air, which can effectively reduce the frequency of reflux.
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How to Solve Intermittent Pain Around the Navel

Children experiencing intermittent pain around the navel, with a sensation like being pricked by a needle, accompanied by loss of appetite and slight nausea. Symptoms appear and disappear, starting from the age of 2.5 years old, and have been diagnosed in several hospitals. It is recommended to take oral ‘Xingpi Yang’er Granules’ and apply ‘Dinggui Erqi Qipie’ externally, while also paying attention to diet and abdominal warmth. If diagnosed with pediatric kidney disease, immediate treatment is required, along with gastrointestinal decompression and good hygiene habits.
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