What is Gastric Distension?

Gastric distension refers to a feeling of fullness and oppression in the chest and diaphragm, which is intangible to touch, painless upon palpation, and does not appear swollen when viewed. It often comes with chest oppression and fullness, bloating after eating, and relief upon belching. It is typically a chronic condition with varying degrees of severity, recurring episodes, and persistent symptoms.
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What to Do About Infants and Young Children with Diarrhea Due to Enteritis?

Infants and young children with diarrhea due to enteritis may be treated with Huoxiang Zhengqi pills and fleroxacin capsules. It’s important to ensure they drink plenty of water to maintain electrolyte balance. In severe cases, fluid supplementation may be necessary. Remember to keep their diet light and avoid overly greasy or irritating foods. If symptoms persist or worsen, it is recommended to take the child to a doctor as soon as possible.
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