Reasons and Treatment Methods for Babies Getting Fever in Summer

During summer, the reasons why babies tend to get fever may be multifaceted, including infections, connective tissue diseases, or malignant tumors. Initially, you can try using alcohol sponge baths to reduce fever and further investigate the cause. In terms of treatment, consider administering symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication and antibiotics, while also paying attention to hydration and dietary adjustments.
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Reasons for a 7-Month-Old Baby’s Fever Without Cold Symptoms

When a child has a fever, parents need to remain calm and handle the situation correctly. First, analyze the cause of the fever, observe the type of fever, and record the body temperature. Secondly, avoid using antibiotics prematurely as they are ineffective against viruses and can suppress the immune system. When feverish, use antipyretics cautiously and prioritize physical cooling methods. Additionally, prevent febrile seizures and pay attention to the child’s diet and environment. If the fever persists or recurs, seek medical attention promptly.
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