How to Solve a Child’s Internal Heat and Fever

A child’s internal heat and fever can be caused by various reasons, including infections, connective tissue diseases, and malignant tumors. First, you can try using alcohol-based sponge baths to reduce the fever, then identify the cause. If it is confirmed to be due to calcium deficiency causing bruxism, liquid calcium preparations can be used for treatment, along with cod liver oil.
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How to Treat a 10-Month-Old Baby’s Fever

When a 10-month-old baby has a fever, it’s recommended to first use alcohol sponge baths to help lower the temperature, but it’s more important to identify the cause of the fever, as it can be caused by various factors including infections, connective tissue diseases, or malignant tumors. Do not rush to use medication before determining the cause. After the alcohol sponge bath, observe the baby’s condition and take them to the hospital promptly for a check-up to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.
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How to Treat a 2-Year-Old’s Repeated Fever?

A 2-year-old baby with repeated fever, which rises shortly after physical cooling, accompanied by runny nose, normal appetite and activity, but body temperature increases after nap. Only fever symptoms, possibly due to viral infection. It is recommended to perform physical cooling and oral Chinese medicine treatment at the same time, and to increase fluid intake. If the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees, you can use fever-reducing syrup.
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