How to Handle a Child’s Sudden Fever Up to 39 Degrees with Red and Swollen Throat

A child suddenly developed a high fever up to 39 degrees, and after taking antipyretics, the temperature dropped. However, the next morning, the fever returned to 39 degrees again. After a medical diagnosis, it was found to be tonsillitis with a mild inflammation. Blood tests revealed a mild inflammation, and medication for clearing the throat and pediatric amoxicillin were prescribed. Nevertheless, the fever did not improve, and the next steps in handling the situation were inquired about.
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How to Handle a Daughter’s Frequent Fever?

Lately, my daughter has been frequently experiencing high fevers, reaching up to 40 degrees. Although she has cooled down during the day, she starts running a fever again at night. We have conducted blood tests and mycoplasma tests, but the treatment situation is unclear. We would like to know what methods can help our daughter recover and stop having fevers.
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