How to Handle a Baby’s Fever?

When a baby has a fever, it is important to seek medical attention promptly to determine the cause and follow the doctor’s advice for treatment. If the fever is caused by a viral infection, avoid using antibiotics arbitrarily. If it is caused by a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate antibiotic. If a baby’s body temperature exceeds 38°C, it should be considered a high fever and special attention is needed.
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How to Handle a Baby’s Persistent Fever for Four to Five Days

After a baby has a fever for four to five days, it is recommended to visit the hospital for a detailed examination. The doctor suggests intravenous treatment due to the elevated blood count shown in the blood test results. After completing the intravenous treatment, the fever situation is relieved, but it rises again to about 39 degrees Celsius on the third day. According to the routine blood test results, the baby may have a bacterial infection and may require further anti-infection treatment.
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How to Handle a Baby’s Persistent Fever?

A baby with persistent fever, accompanied by a runny nose, mild cough, and slight diarrhea, experienced a temporary drop after taking fever-reducing medication, but the fever rose again after six hours, possibly indicating an intestinal fever caused by cold in the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to drink warm water, eat a light diet, apply cold compresses to the abdomen, stay warm, avoid extremely cold, sweet, and spicy foods, and temporarily refrain from eating eggs and hard-to-digest foods. Monitor closely and focus on symptomatic treatment. Doctor’s Question: Are you vomiting?
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How to Handle a Baby’s Persistent Low Fever?

Persistent low fever in babies may be due to weakened constitution or decreased immunity. It is recommended that parents enhance their child’s nutritional intake, drink more water, and consider using transfer factors and other medications to boost the immune system. If the situation is severe, it is advised to seek professional medical assistance to determine the cause of the low fever and to treat it accordingly.
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