How to Handle a 7-Month-Old Baby’s Fever?

When a 7-month-old baby has a fever, if the body temperature is below 38.5 degrees Celsius, measures such as rest, keeping warm, and drinking plenty of water can be taken; if the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius, fever-reducing medication can be taken, along with physical cooling methods. It is recommended for parents to observe the baby’s condition and seek medical attention promptly if necessary.
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How to Handle a Baby’s Fever

The baby had a fever of 38.7 degrees last night. After taking taurine granules without any effect, and then ibuprofen granules two hours later at 4 PM, the temperature is still 37.8. How should this be addressed? Do you need to go to the hospital immediately, or should you take taurine granules first?
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