22-Month-Old Baby’s High Fever Persists for Three Days, What to Do and Analyze

A 22-month-old baby has a high fever for three days, with only fever as the symptom and no other issues. The child is in good spirits. After routine blood tests and the appearance of rashes on the third day of fever, a diagnosis of pediatric exanthema was confirmed. It is advised to monitor symptoms; if there are no other inflammatory conditions, antibiotics may not be necessary. A repeat blood test is recommended.
One minute to read

6-Month-Old Baby Crying and Fussy at Night After Fever Subsides, Poor Appetite and a Little Cough

A 6-month-old baby is experiencing crying and fussiness at night, along with poor appetite and a slight cough after the fever has subsided. The baby had a sudden high fever of 38 degrees one night, with crying only at night and normal during the day. After the fever has gone down, the baby has poor appetite during the day, drinks little water, and has a mild cough. The question is whether to continue taking calcium powder and cod liver oil, and how to improve the sleep issues at night. Should we go back to the hospital now? Is the situation improving or not?
2 minutes to read