What Should You Pay Attention to When Feeding Premature Infants Formula Milk?

For premature infants, drinking formula milk is permissible. There are now specialized formula milks designed for premature infants, which are quite similar to breast milk. However, premature infants have relatively weaker digestive systems, so mothers should pay close attention to their care and hygiene, prevent bacterial infections, and ensure proper sterilization and disinfection, including clothing, etc. After washing, boiling water can be used for hot washing to achieve sterilization and disinfection.
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What to Do If Your Baby Has Constipation After Eating Rice Noodles?

My baby, four months and seven days old, started eating rice noodles two months ago and then experienced constipation. After stopping the rice noodles, she now has bowel movements three to four times a day, a bit loose, and green in color. Is there any issue? Thank you! Additional question: What is meant by excluding infectious diarrhea? If it is indeed infectious diarrhea, what should be done?
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