Get information on pediatric facial palsy specialist hospitals
Explore the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment starting on the third day after the onset of facial palsy, as well as its application in relaxing meridians, promoting blood circulation, and removing blood stasis.
Facial Palsy Patient Inquires About Acupuncture Therapy
Patients with facial palsy inquire whether the depth of acupuncture affects the treatment efficacy
Facial palsy is often triggered by overexertion, decreased immunity, and cold wind or cold water stimulation, with a few patients having a history of fatigue. Timely treatment and rest can prevent complications.
Facial palsy does not discriminate by age and treatment measures should be taken based on whether it is acute or chronic, while maintaining a positive attitude is beneficial for both treatment and prevention.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is effective for facial palsy when combined with traditional Chinese therapies such as acupuncture.
Can facial palsy patients be treated by taking Vitamin B6 and B1?
Why Can’t Post-Facial Palsy Spasm Be Treated with Surgery?
Discuss the medication options for facial palsy patients and the potential effects of long-term medication use.