A two-month-old baby experienced abnormal stool color and eye mucus after switching to a new formula, seeking advice on related health issues.
Offering vision correction suggestions for 7-year-olds with myopia
Nutritional Tips for Children’s Eye Health
How should one maintain eye health for a child with myopia?
A white spot on a child’s left eyelid may be a chalazion. It is recommended to seek professional medical diagnosis and treatment.
If a child develops a pustule beside the eye, it’s important to avoid contact, maintain eye hygiene, and seek medical treatment promptly.
Symptoms resembling sesame paste in the eyes may be related to excessive liver fire, and it is recommended to treat them with traditional Chinese medicine.
What are the reasons for children blinking frequently involuntarily? How should this situation be handled?
For the past six months, I’ve been experiencing frequent blinking. This could be due to overuse of the eyes leading to eye muscle spasms. Eye drops containing nutrients can be used to alleviate eye fatigue, along with eye exercises and adequate rest. Additionally, consuming vegetables, fruits, and nuts can help improve the condition. Pay attention to eye hygiene in daily diet.
A child with myopia who did not wear glasses experienced a rapid increase in their prescription.