The causes of epilepsy can be categorized into primary and secondary types. Primary causes are often unknown and may be related to genetics or birth injuries; secondary causes are associated with brain abnormalities. It is currently impossible to determine the type solely based on description, and it is recommended to undergo detailed examinations to identify the cause and provide appropriate treatment.
The causes of epilepsy in patients include primary epilepsy and secondary epilepsy, with specific reasons possibly related to genetics, birth injuries, intrauterine distress, and difficulty breathing at birth.
Common causes of epilepsy include congenital malformations, prenatal and perinatal diseases, post-hypertensive sequelae following high fever convulsions, and more.
Understanding the possible causes of epileptic seizures in children.
Common causes of infant epilepsy include cranial brain injury, contusions, hemorrhage, and ischemia.
Explore the causes of pediatric epilepsy, including abnormal discharge of brain neuron cells and its impact on child health.
What are the common causes of pediatric epilepsy?
The causes of pediatric epilepsy include genetic factors, perinatal brain injury, congenital brain development anomalies, cerebrovascular diseases, and brain damage following high fever seizures.
Causes of pediatric epilepsy include brain development abnormalities, aspiration, brain trauma, genetic anomalies, metabolic diseases, and brain tumors.
This article will introduce the factors that can lead to pediatric epilepsy, including brain injuries and genetic factors.