What to Do When Your 10-Year-Old Son Occasionally Wet the Bed?

A comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan is recommended for pediatric enuresis. It’s suggested to keep a diary, maintain a regular lifestyle, avoid excessive fatigue during the day, and stay calm before bedtime. Drink plenty of water during the day and practice holding urine to increase bladder capacity. Reduce the intake of liquid foods at dinner, avoid eating or drinking two hours before bedtime, and urinate once before going to sleep. After about an hour of sleep, urinate again. Gradually find the urination pattern, and after about ten days, the condition can improve. Don’t scold the child; instead, encourage them more and boost their confidence. Most children will recover.
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What’s Causing My Child to Wet the Bed During the Day?

From a clinical perspective, enuresis includes two conditions: enuresis, commonly known as bedwetting; and enuresis syndrome, which not only involves urination in bed but also the leakage of urine in non-sleeping states or when awake, in clothing or other inappropriate places. This article discusses enuresis bedwetting without organic lesions.
2 minutes to read