What to Do About Bed-Wetting in Children?

Bed-wetting in children may be due to incomplete neurological development, leading to an inability to control the bladder. Parents should not scold their children to avoid increasing their psychological stress. At the same time, reduce the child’s water intake during the day and consider if there is a urinary tract infection. It is recommended to seek medical examination and urine routine tests.
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What to Do About Odorous Vulvar Discharge in Bedwetting Children

Odorous discharge from the genital area of a bedwetting child may indicate enuresis. It is recommended to reduce water consumption after dinner, urinate before bed, and wake up during the night to urinate, as well as to expand bladder capacity. Consider taking supplements to strengthen the bladder and stop enuresis, and take anticholinergic agents such as propiverine or oxybutynin before bedtime. It is suggested to consult a urologist or neurologist for a definitive diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
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