Baby at 6 Months Old Vomits After Feeding, Accompanied by Diarrhea, What Should Be Done?

A 6-month-old baby vomits everything after feeding, in a jet-like manner, and is also experiencing diarrhea. This could be acute gastroenteritis. It is recommended to temporarily fast for a period of four to six hours to allow the stomach to rest and recover. If the baby is very thirsty, a small amount of ginger-sugar water can be given to alleviate dry heaves. Once symptoms improve, gradually resume diet and medication treatment.
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Baby Falls and Hits Forehead, Should You Take Them to the Hospital?

A baby around one week old fell from the bed and hit the forehead, cried for a while and threw up once, but then played as usual a few minutes later. The baby’s spirits and condition were good overall. Should the baby go to the hospital for a detailed examination? It was around 6 PM when the fall and vomiting occurred, and now it’s after 8 PM, the baby is still in good spirits and hasn’t thrown up again. Thank you.
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