Discuss the appropriate duration and treatment methods for soaking in water after a burn to avoid further injury and promote wound recovery.
Explore the potential severe consequences of newborns inhaling amniotic fluid, as well as corresponding treatment and prevention methods.
Understand the emergency treatment methods for accidental ingestion of rapid-acting heart rescue pills and the potential effects on the body.
Learn how to properly handle the situation where a child is scalded by boiling water, to reduce injury and promote recovery.
Discuss the appropriate handling methods and potential impact on vision after a four-year-old girl injures her forehead and eyelid in a restaurant.
What should parents do if a nine-month-old baby falls out of bed and gets a lump on the forehead?
Understand the key steps of newborn resuscitation, including clearing the airway, establishing breathing, maintaining circulation, and necessary medication treatment.
Learn how to effectively and quickly handle burn situations to reduce injury and promote recovery.
What should you do if a newborn baby has slightly inhaled water? How to handle the situation?