How to More Accurately Identify Children’s Early Puberty and Its Characteristics and Coping Measures

The apparent characteristics of children with early puberty generally occur before the age of 10. In girls, this includes the onset of menstruation, denser body hair, the growth of pubic hair, and breast development, all of which are signs of early puberty in girls. In boys, the development of a Adam’s apple, adult voice, dense body hair, pubic hair, and normal erections are specific manifestations of early puberty in boys.
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How to Treat Early Puberty in Daughters?

The child is over 8 years old, with breast development. She started her period at 10 years and 2 months. The hospital checked her bone age as 12 years old, and the MRI of the skull showed no abnormalities in the pituitary gland. After tests and ultrasound, she was diagnosed with early puberty, which might prevent her from growing taller in the future. I don’t know how to treat it now, please ask an expert.
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