What’s Causing and How to Solve a 2-Month-Old Baby’s Vomiting After Breastfeeding for 2 Hours

If a baby vomits within two hours after breastfeeding, it may be related to dyspepsia. It is recommended to take Chinese patent medicine ‘Xingpi Yang’er Granules’ for opsonize and also increase nutritional supplements such as vitamins and trace elements. In terms of diet, choose easily digestible and absorbable foods. Additionally, if the baby’s mental state is poor, it may be due to heart problems, and it is advised to seek medical examination and treatment as soon as possible.
One minute to read

What’s Causing My 6.5-Month-Old Baby’s Black and Green Stools After Diarrhea?

My 6.5-month-old baby has been having diarrhea since January 30th. After using BaoLeAn and Montmorillonite Powder, there has been no improvement. On February 1st, I took the baby to the hospital for a stool test, which showed loose stools, 1-2 neutral fat globules, and negative rotavirus. The doctor prescribed medication and administered Montmorillonite Powder enema treatment. Although the frequency of diarrhea decreased, the stools turned dark green starting from the morning of the 3rd. I’m asking how to handle this situation and whether other medications are needed.
2 minutes to read