What to Do When Your Baby Has Diarrhea for Over a Week?

The baby started with a cold, running nose, and hoarse voice six and a half months ago. The next day, they had diarrhea. Now that the cold has cleared up, the baby has been having diarrhea for over a week. Yesterday, it seemed better, so the medication was reduced, but this morning they had diarrhea with foam and mucus and even blood threads. If your baby has diarrhea, consider the possibility of gastroenteritis or gastroenteric cold. It could also be due to catching a cold or dyspepsia caused by intestinal flora imbalance. It is recommended that you visit a regular pediatric department hospital promptly for examination. Conduct routine checks to determine if there is inflammation in the child’s stool. After an accurate diagnosis, follow the doctor’s treatment advice and medication and treatment plan.
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What to Do When Your Baby Has Diarrhea?

Your baby has been experiencing diarrhea for the past few days, with yellow stools that are thin and sticky, containing milk curds. The frequency of bowel movements has increased from once a day to twice a day, and even up to four times today. You have already given probiotics and montmorillonite powder, but there is no sign of improvement yet. Your baby is not crying or fussing, and it doesn’t seem like there’s abdominal pain. What should you do, doctor?
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