What to Do If Your Baby Has a Lack of Appetite

Your baby has recently shown a lack of appetite and occasional dry heaves. This might be due to overfeeding of complementary foods leading to dyspepsia. It’s necessary to temporarily reduce feeding to allow the gastrointestinal system to rest and adjust. Once fully recovered, your baby will naturally resume normal eating. When introducing complementary foods, follow appropriate principles, avoid rushing or feeding too quickly, and provide ample time for recovery to prevent similar issues in the future.
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What to Do If Your Baby Has Diarrhea with Milk Curds?

Your baby’s bowel movements have increased in frequency, from one to two times a day to five to six times daily, and the urine is accompanied by stool. The stool contains many milk curds. The baby is on a mixed feeding diet. Laboratory and examination results: How can this situation be improved? Previous treatment and effectiveness: Taking probiotics and applying Dinggui navel sticker did not work. What kind of help are you seeking? Is this condition normal?
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