Is it normal for a child to have several bowel movements a day after eating greasy foods?
After a child has had continuous diarrhea for a week, their stool turns black after taking medicine. This article discusses the reason and the corresponding measures.
A five-month-old baby may experience dyspepsia during the mixed feeding period with breast milk and formula, which could lead to an increase in bowel movement frequency.
A four-year-old girl has been experiencing loose, soft stools with an egg-yolk-like smell, defecating four to five times daily. Attention should be paid to her digestive system health.
Is it normal for my newborn to defecate several times a day?
Inquire whether a nine-month-old baby having 3-4 bowel movements a day is normal, and suggestions for dealing with dyspepsia.
A one-month-old baby frequently farting and spitting up may be caused by dyspepsia. It is recommended to test the baby’s stool and provide appropriate medication treatment.
A two-month-old baby has smelly farts and poops only once a day. Is this normal?
Is it normal for a 71-day-old breastfed baby to have stools three to four times a day, with greenish color and milk residue?
Green diarrhea in children may be a sign of dyspepsia. How should it be handled?