This article offers advice on dealing with a 14-month-old baby’s recent lack of appetite and diarrhea.
A 30-month-old child has been experiencing a decrease in bowel movements, pooping only once every three or four days. Possible causes and solutions.
Offer suggestions for dealing with a 36-day-old baby’s coughing and spitting up during feeding
Advice on dealing with a 50-day-old baby experiencing diarrhea for three or four days
A 50-day-old baby sometimes experiences dry coughs, which may be caused by dyspepsia. Here are some suggestions to improve the situation.
Based on your description, your 6-month-old baby has been suffering from diarrhea for a month, which may indicate dyspepsia. It is recommended to take the baby to the pediatric department of the hospital for a stool examination to determine the cause and treat accordingly. The baby’s spleen and stomach function are not fully developed, so provide easily digestible foods and avoid spicy and stimulating foods. For breastfed babies, mothers should avoid spicy and extremely cold foods, offer the baby more warm water, and ensure proper warmth.
A parent inquires about a 6-month-old baby’s thick tongue coating and dense stools, seeking medical advice on how to address the issue.
Offer treatment suggestions for a 6-month-old child with dyspepsia.
A 6.5-month-old baby has been experiencing diarrhea for two months. It is important to understand the cause and take appropriate measures. This article provides common treatment methods for diarrhea and dietary suggestions.
Discuss the handling methods and medical advice for an 8-month-old baby experiencing continuous diarrhea for seven days, about six times a day.