Causes and Solutions for Diarrhea in Babies

Diarrhea in babies could be due to dyspepsia or catching a cold. You can try giving your baby oral probiotics, adjusting the frequency and ratio of breastfeeding, and ensuring plenty of water intake. Breastfeeding may also be related to the mother’s diet.
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Causes and Solutions for Infants Having Green Stools

Infants with green stools may be due to dyspepsia or gastrointestinal cold, which can usually be adjusted by increasing water intake and providing probiotics like Mommy Love to regulate the intestinal flora, while also ensuring the baby’s warmth and avoiding catching a cold. If symptoms persist or worsen, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
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Causes and Solutions for Newborn Vomiting

Newborns vomiting large amounts of milk may be caused by dyspepsia. It is recommended to test the stool regularly to understand the specific situation and adjust the amount of feeding appropriately. OralJianpi San medicine can be tried to improve digestion.
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