What are the Treatments for Symptoms of Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome is a disease caused by chromosomal material abnormalities, and there is currently no effective treatment method. Long-term and patient education and special training should be implemented for children to prevent infectious diseases and various infections. Oral intake of vitamin B6, r-tyrosine, folic acid, and other nutrients can help stabilize functions. For other associated malformations, surgical correction can be performed. It is recommended that parents pay more attention to their children’s dietary issues, balance their intake of body nutrition in daily life, in order to provide effective treatment and recovery as soon as possible.
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What Does a 1 in 15 High Risk Value for 21-TRISOMY Screening Mean?

A high risk value of 1 in 15 in the 21-trisomy screening indicates that there is a 1 in 15 chance of having a child with Down syndrome. This screening result suggests a higher likelihood of the baby having Down syndrome. The specific risk value calculation considers various factors, including the pregnant woman’s age, weight, gestational age, and levels of serum markers (such as AFP and HCG). If the screening result indicates a high risk, it is usually recommended to undergo amniocentesis or other more accurate diagnostic tests to determine the presence of 21-trisomy syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities.
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