Down syndrome screening is an important means of preventing birth defects, although not 100% accurate, it holds significant importance for high-risk cases.
Expectant mothers inquire about the best time for Down syndrome screening and how to detect fetal abnormalities.
When is the best time to conduct a Down syndrome screening during pregnancy?
The optimal time for Down syndrome screening is between the 15th to 20th week of pregnancy.
Explore the treatment methods for Down Syndrome, providing suggestions for comprehensive medical and social services to help patients improve their quality of life.
Explore the treatment methods for Down syndrome, providing professional advice and relevant medical information.
Explore the treatment options for children with Down syndrome, including education and training, and how to improve their quality of life.
Discussing the treatment methods for Down Syndrome, including traditional Chinese medicine to improve symptoms and special learning to cultivate self-care abilities.
Down Syndrome, also known as congenital idiocy, is a genetic disorder typically caused by a trisomy of chromosome 21 during the mother’s pregnancy.
Explore the causes of Down syndrome and its impact on patients’ intelligence and physical development, and provide professional medical advice.